They had thoroughly different schedules but they always ate together, at least one meal every day. It wasn't something they'd discussed, some kind of ground rule to keep them "together", just something that had happened along the way. Kind of like everything else with them. But Tom was getting the feeling Allyn was getting antsy. She was mostly his kind of girl but he knew she had a few neuroses under it all that sometimes made her clingy. She started up again with talk of "being serious" and thinking they should "show their commitment" over an average evening meal, and Tom rolled his eyes.

"Trust me to get involved with a guy with daddy issues," giggled Allyn.

He often ended up having a few drinks once he got back, thinking things over. Life was a bit weird for him now his parents were divorcing. He wouldn't leave Allyn but if she was going to get like this sometimes he figured he deserved indulgence.
Note: I lost a whole bunch of pictures for this update which is why it's so short. It doesn't really matter because not much happened - Allyn and Tom just asked each other out on dates all the time and occasionally went to work, and then had talks where Allyn would be all "MARRIAGE! BABIES!" and Tom was all "DATES! PUBLIC WOO-HOO!". She's a Pleasure sim but she rolled Family as a secondary so I suppose it's to be expected sometimes.
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