Allyn and Drake have been living together ever since they both dropped out of S.S.U., but now Allyn is pregnant will the easy balance of their life survive?
Allyn still wasn't sure about this whole pregnancy thing. She felt like a big balloon and the pastel maternity clothes didn't help her feel any better about herself.

Tom was no help whatsoever. He said he had to research things for his job which Allyn thought that was ridiculous even when he explained that being a home video editor did actually require some skill. He bought a whole load of books about film technique but Allyn, in pregnant-rage mode, accused him of only reading them because there were pictures of half-naked ladies who weren't incredibly pregnant.

Allyn went into labour right after having a relaxing bath. Her screams, peppered with liberal amounts of swearing, worked Tom up into enough of a panic to phone a taxi to the hospital.

The labour was quick but not easy. Allyn was overjoyed when it was finally all over, producing a little boy named Drake who looked just like his daddy. Allyn had only entertained the vaguest dreams at the back of her mind about having babies but she was surprised by the amount of love she felt for the little screaming machine. He was kinda cute!

Thankfully very tiny babies like Drake didn't seem to take much looking after as far as Tom and Allyn could see. Sure, if he started crying they ran up and fed him, changed him, played with him and cuddled him, but Drake slept A LOT. They spent a lot of time painting in comfortable silence, the best bonding activity they knew.
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