Duncan and Alima King have been through a lot to get where they are today - blissfully married with a son on the cusp of teen-hood, along with Alima's two adult children and four grandchildren. It seems like nothing can get in the way of their happiness!

Alima may have been a grandmother, but it didn't stop her and Duncan from enjoying themselves! After all, they weren't old and grey yet... and they had no intention of stopping when they were, either.

Duncan was still in the dancing business but he wasn't looking for any more promotions. They had enough money for now and they weren't the sort of people who sought status. "Getting hugs from my favourite son when I get home's all I need!" he'd say.
"Well duh, of course I'm your favourite son," laughed Gabriel. "Oh, and I want a games console," he added. He was a sweet kid but sometimes he had a smart mouth on him.

He wasn't the only smart-mouthed kid in the neighbourhood. His technically-niece Vikki Bhalli (she'd announced that anyone who called her "Victoria" could curl up and die) was more than a match for him. He'd suggested they should be BFFs because he was her uncle, even though he was only a few years older than her, and she'd thrown it back in his face.

He was still sort of obsessed with his neighbour Maya Darwin and followed her around, asking what high school and part-time jobs were like. She was kind of annoyed by him but usually answered his questions politely - she wasn't going to take her frustrations out on a little kid, after all.

He wasn't so interested after his growth spurt. He'd decided Maya wasn't his "type", whatever that was, realising she was very highly strung and would probably wear him out! For now he'd stick to painting girls, not kissing them.

All in all, things were still going dreamily for the Kings.
They have a good life im happy for them...i know they are fictional but its nice to see good things happen. :)
ReplyDeletelol, it makes me happy too. I was all "oh no, Duncan is a pleasure sim, what if he cheats" but he's been completely awesome :)