Adele may have moved out but she still visits Sam whenever she has a spare moment. She hasn't abandoned him - she never would.
"Why don't you come in? I can get you some coffee if you want..."
"Is your father there?" There's a touch of cold steel in her voice and Sam considers lying but the words won't come so he nods instead.
Adele's face loses all expression and is momentarily a mask. "I appreciate the offer, sweetie, but I've got to get to work. Come over tomorrow, okay? Maya misses you."

Esther's around all the time now, before and after work, which is another good reason for Adele to stay away. What if her "replacement" were wandering around in her underwear?

Harvey doesn't know why he's let Esther basically move in; he does love her but she's so different from him, she wants to get married and have babies and be stable and he's already proved he's no good at that. Maybe it's guilt, an attempt to assuage the feeling that he's been wasting her time. She could have found someone so much better for her by now but he knows she's not been dating anyone else. She's not that type of girl. He can't bring himself to hurt her now.

Of course Harvey isn't pleased. How could he be? He's already got three children! Tom's an adult and Sam's nearing adulthood. As far as he's concerned, he's too old to be a father again when he could soon be a grandfather.
"What happened? We were using protection!"
"Sometimes it fails," says Esther, trying not to let her nerves show in her voice. "...and I stopped taking the pill."
Harvey's feeling a noose tighten around his neck.
Note: Esther rolled up a want to have a baby but didn't roll up a "get married" want, so I decided to indulge her (plus her genes would be very pretty in the mix) and turn on Unmarried Try For Baby... it worked instantaneously. Haha, sucks to be Harvey!
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