Adele Darwin is trying to find ways to occupy her time outside work while her daughter Maya is at university. Her life has never been easy, so can she find solace in her twilight years?

Even though Adele now worked in Sim City while Colby was still in provincial politics, they kept in touch and he often came over, but they weren't a serious "item". Adele didn't want anything serious from him, and if he wanted anything more he kept it quiet. It was a good arrangement.

Trying to keep up with her children's complicated lives took up a lot of her time too. Maya had moved out but was always calling her, especially after all the drama with Liliana and Ashlee, and Adele called Sam frequently. She couldn't deal with the concept of going over to visit as she didn't want to put any of them through her bitterness, even (or maybe especially) Milo.

Old age had somewhat tempered her workaholic nature. Sure, she still went in every day, but when she got home she now either stepped back and read a book or surfed the internet instead of doing extra work. She was considering started a pseudynomous blog... people wanted to hear about the gossip in politics, right? And it wasn't as if getting found out and being fired would be such a tragedy anymore. She'd finally gotten Harvey to pay some alimony.

All in all, things were good. Adele thought she might even be (gasp)... happy.
Adele deserves to be happy. Congratulations to her.