Maya Darwin and her friends Liliana King and Ashlee Rodiek have headed off to S.S.U. in search of fun. Will university life live up to their expectations?
(This round ended up being so long and drama-filled that I've had to split it into two parts!)
Liliana and Ashlee have never hung out much before - they're both best friends with Maya yet somehow their paths haven't crossed. Still, Maya's pretty sure they'll get along. Both of their first instincts upon hitting the college scene is to drag her out with them to get makeovers.
"I don't see how this is fair," mutters Maya to Liliana. "You and Ashlee got really low-maintenance hair-dos. Ashlee doesn't even have to straighten hers anymore! But suddenly I've got to spend all this time with straighteners and hair-relaxers that burn my scalp..."
"Hey, if you don't like it you can always stop doing it," points out Liliana.
"Although if I were you, I wouldn't. You're looking so foxy the college boys aren't going to be able to resist you, and I know for a fact you haven't even kissed anyone yet!" adds Ashlee. Maya groans. Having two popularity-obsessed best friends means double the trouble.

But it turns out that Ashlee and Liliana being popularity-and-looks obsessed isn't the only trouble Maya had brewing. Liliana has always been straight as a rod but Ashlee leans both ways and can't help noticing how pretty she is. She can't help staring at her sometimes and sometimes she gets this vibe from her, like she's sick of boys...

Their dorm's a bit of a hub for partying so it's not long before the first kegger of the semester, and when the alcohol hits Ashlee makes an ill-judged move... except it turns out not to be so ill-judged when Liliana responds in kind.

They even ignore Maya's drunken dancing, which would usually be something they'd burst out laughing for... okay, sometimes they were a bit cruel. But that's something they have in common, thinks Liliana, and would it be so bad to experiment? She doesn't think it'd ruin their friendship - she isn't looking for love with a girl and Ashlee's free and fun-loving.

"Let's take this somewhere a little more private..." Ashlee whispers in Liliana's ear. Liliana looks around at the drunken dormies all over the place. She doesn't want to be anyone's free show, after all... not that Maya would even notice, given how wrecked she is.

Still, somehow she ends up in Ashlee's room anyway for a bit of innocent making out... or not-so-innocent. She knows she isn't a lesbian, she knows she wants to have fun right now rather than get all tangled up, but somehow she's falling for Ashlee anyway. The danger of the situation completely slips her mind through the drink and the kissing...

Maya's got something similar on her mind and finds a receptive young man, but the desire to puke on him eventually overrides all others and she goes and collapses alone in her own bed.

Liliana thought (and hoped) the feeling would wear off in the morning and be replaced with giggly embarrassment and a hangover, but it doesn't. Over the next few weeks they're inseparable and Liliana finds herself entertaining desires and hopes she's never had before.

But she doesn't tell Ashlee. That'd be stupid. Which means that, in blissful ignorance, she has her eye on someone else...
Note: Double-yew, Tee, Eff. Liliana started this round 100% straight. Ashlee rolled up a bunch of wants to flirt with her so I decided to indulge her - I mean, what could happen? Liliana would rebuff her and it'd make for a quick diversion before we got back to normality. But Liliana responded... and became a bit less straight. Still HIGHLY weighted that way but she fell in love with Ashlee regardless.
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