Tom Darwin, Allyn Bachman and their son Drake are getting ready to move into a new home after Tom's unexpected financial windfall. Will this change their relationship dynamic, especially as Drake doesn't act like his parents at all?

Allyn doesn't know to connect with Drake now he doesn't rely on her for every last thing. She and Tom have never exactly been academics, yet they've somehow spawned a little bookworm. Allyn barely understands what he's talking about over dinner, as he delves deep into world politics (a bit too deep for an elementary school kid). Where does he get all these ideas from?!

The answer is simple: books (a lot of them) and the internet. He spends all his allowance at the bookstore, and while his parents have never used their PC for anything other than social networking websites and IM-ing people he's mastered Google and Simpedia with the greatest of ease. He's one step off stealing his dad's credit card to sign up to an academic papers website.

Their new house isn't downtown but smack in the middle of Serenity Hills, close to Tom's estranged family. Maybe he wants to build some bridges. Whatever. Allyn doesn't care much either way - the house is beautiful, modern and HUGE!

There's a spacious and secure garage, so Allyn buys the shiny red sports car she's always wanted. Most times, it's the guy who wants the expensive fast car, but Allyn's been itching to get one since she was a teenager.

They transform the basement next to the garage into a party room, complete with bar and "bubble" blower. Drake is, of course, banned from setting foot down here. Tom and Allyn love their son, even if he was a surprise, but they need their own space. There's plenty of it in this house!

Drake's not fussed, though. He has his own bedroom, with a book-case and a chess set, and when his parents are in the basement he has free reign over the living area. Despite his overachieving nature, he makes a lot of friends at school and brings them home. One such friend is Milo Pasang... it's hard to believe he's Drake's uncle. They settle for calling each other cousins instead, and talk about all the interesting people Milo sees in his dad's store.

Tom and Allyn get round to throwing their housewarming party, and that's where Tom meets Liliana King. Their eyes meet across the bubble-blower, and Tom doesn't know if he's truly feeling this connection or if it's the "bubbles". They exchange a few flirtatious glances and words. Allyn doesn't even notice, engrossed in a high conversation about fashion with a friend.

Tom tries to keep his mind off her. He was never one for fidelity but somehow he and Allyn have a good thing going and he doesn't want to mess it up by making out with a drunken Liliana right in front of everyone. But still, every time he joins the others on the dance floor he can't stop sneaking glances at her...

The next evening, once their hangovers have worn off, Drake bites the bullet over dinner.
"I was thinking... what's your opinion on open relationships? Especially if it were OUR relationship?"
Much to his surprise, Allyn's reaction isn't one of shock, disgust or anger. She smiles and puts down her fork for a moment. "Actually, that's a really good idea. I love you, but we've gotten into a major rut since Drake was born. I miss being taken out for meals and all that romantic stuff, and I know you're too busy for that."
"Awesome! So we can see other people?"
"Yeah. We need ground rules though. Say, always use protection and never get emotionally involved? I don't want us to mess Drake up for life!"
"Sounds great to me, sweetheart," says Tom, stroking her hand lovingly.
Note: Tom and Allyn's wants until this point have been entirely monogamous - Allyn's only wanted to go on dates rather than spun up multiple-first-date wants, Tom's only wanted to woo-hoo rather than spinning up multiple-woo-hoo wants... but the moment Liliana turned up BOTH their wants started to suggest they want to open things up a bit. Can't argue with that! This is a wants-driven challenge, after all...
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