Things have been going well for the Kings, despite their crowded living situation. Unfortunately, patriarch Adrian appears to have finally gone off the deep end.

Athena King is no great scholar, but with her family's encouragement she's got her first ever A+ on her report card. She crows about it for days!

Athena sometimes hangs out with her cousins... she and Vikki are far too similar to get along, but Caroline's fun and because she's younger she usually agrees with everything Athena says.

Plus, she likes a good rough-and-tumble game of cops and robbers. Caroline may be a little less of a tomboy than her big sister but she's still not afraid to get her clothes dirty.

Miranda may be on the way to having a family of her own but she often comes to visit her parents and their clan. Athena doesn't really remember her, she'd only been a tiny baby when Miranda went to university, but they get on well.

David's started school now and has discovered the games console. He likes his auntie Miranda too - she'll play video games with him for hours!

Nathaniel is happy to catch up with his little sister. They've got a lot to talk about, reminiscing about S.S.U.

But not everything for the King family is sunshine and smiles. Adrian's still got a chip on his shoulder regarding his son, and recently things have been escalating... one night, an argument ends up getting physical.

David realises too late that Athena and David saw it all. He rushes upstairs to find them and comfort them; Athena is in her room, but David is nowhere to be seen. He stands awkwardly next to his baby girl, who isn't such a baby anymore but is still far from grown-up.
"I don't like it when you and Grampy fight," cries Athena, or at least tries to. It comes out as more of an incomprehensible wail.

He kneels down beside her and hugs her. "Shhh, it'll be okay." She sort of stops sobbing, but not quite. "Now, do you know where David is?"
"He said he was gonna run away," says Athena, through heavy distortion of sniffling. "I think he's in the back yard though."

Thankfully David is indeed hiding in the back yard, safe and sound. He gets hugs and cuddles too.

Nathaniel tries to keep home life as normal as possible, making sure he hugs his kids whenever he gets home from work. Petal still can't believe her luck... who knew the jock who was awkward with girls would turn out to be such a great husband and father?

Adrian tries his best too. He doesn't want to further sour his relationship with his grandchildren... even if the only thing he can think of to talk about to Athena is telling her about the perils of sneaking out after curfew. She's going to be a teenager soon and he's coming down hard on her already.

When that time comes, Athena will be the only teen in the house. Liliana is finally escaping to university, away from her crazy family! Maybe she'll meet a nice guy there. Noriko hugs her little baby girl tight. "Be careful! Look after yourself! And remember to study!"
"Of course I will! I'm not a complete flake. Jeez, mom..." Liliana smiles. Her mother's overprotectiveness can sometimes be a bit annoying but she appreciates the thought.
Adrian doesn't know how to react. He loves Liliana, sure, but he's never been good with social interaction.

Noriko's reached a milestone of her own, and glides effortlessly into old age. She doesn't feel any need to look younger than she is - she's a grandma, after all. And just because she's grey and wrinkly doesn't mean she can't destroy Athena on the console!
Note: I do not know what is up with Adrian! After many rounds of arguments and poking he and Nathaniel are furious with each other and full-on attack each other if I don't stop them, which means Athena and David's homework and leisure time is constantly being interrupted by their need to run to their bedrooms or anywhere that isn't where the fight's going on.
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