Things are only just getting back to normal after Liliana and Ashlee's disastrous fling, and now Liliana's cousin Gabriel, who's had a bit of a crush on Ashlee for a while, has joined them and Maya at S.S.U. Will they all keep it together long enough to graduate?

Liliana had barely talked to him at the party, only tangentially knowing Allyn in the first place, so she's surprised when Tom Darwin calls her out of the blue. Liliana may be heartbroken but that doesn't mean she's been lying around crying and getting stuck out of the loop. She knows her gossip, knows that Tom and Allyn, while still most certainly a couple, are seeing other people.
"We should go on a date sometime," he says with a debonair sort-of-a-laugh.
"How about tomorrow? Coffee on campus? I mean, if you've got time and it's not too much of a journey. I'd meet you back in Serenity but, yanno, can't afford a car what with dorm payments and all..." She keeps her voice casual even though she knows she's rambling a bit, plus she's gripping the receiver hard enough to hurt.
If he cares about her hidden nervousness he doesn't show it. "Sure. 5pm good for you?"
"Awesome. See you then."