Harvey Darwin has dreams of opening his own shop selling his artwork, but will his skills ever live up to his ambitions, and can he remember to focus on his family for more than ten minutes?

Harvey had decided to bite the bullet and set up shop in the front room of the family home. Sure, his paintings weren't exactly at masterpiece level yet, but there was time. Plus he could always stock a few wholesale items to get the business up and running while he perfected his skills.

One of the skills he needed to perfect turned out to be operating the cash register.
"Jeez, Dad, it's not that hard!" laughed Tom as he checked out one of the customers. "Way to be an old relic."
"I'm not the old relic, this register is! If you're so smart you try it..." muttered Harvey.

Tom had better things to do than deal with creaky cash-registers. His brief romance was getting a little too serious for his liking.
"Do you want to go out bowling later? Just me and you. I can borrow my dad's car, it's got a big back seat..."
"Look, I know you like me and everything... I hate to say it, you're really hot, but I've got to be free to do my own thing."
His blonde paramour looked a little stunned. "Whatever. I'm not in love with you or anything - I mean, you do realise I'm not the exclusive type either, right? You just lost a lot of free make-outs." She stormed off, but Tom wasn't too worried. There were plenty of hot chicks at college. He could wait. Plus she'd cool down in a few days anyway.

Adele was busy trying to advance at work and keep in shape but she still made time for Sam. He was such a sweet, friendly little boy and she hated the idea of him only having his big brother for company... thank goodness for Verity's child-rearing skills. She knew a lost cause when she saw one, and despite her best efforts that was what Tom was in her eyes.

Harvey may have been wrapped up in his new business but he still had enough time to "get physical" - but unfortunately he and Adele were just as careless as ever about taking precautions...

Adele soon found out she was pregnant. AGAIN. She was less than happy. The first person she told was her mother-in-law Verity who was predictably over the moon. She hadn't exactly kept the fact she wanted more grandchildren a secret.
"How are we going to cope?" wailed Adele. "Harvey hasn't got time for anyone as it is, and I've got my job to think about..."
"Leave it to me," said Verity cheerfully. "Sam's growing up so fast and I miss having a little baby in the house... you and Harvey can do your own thing, I'll always be there for my grandchildren. Don't worry so much!"

It didn't take long before the pregnancy started to show and Adele had to take maternity leave. She hated being cooped up and even though she'd been feeling extremely fatigued and the doctor had recommended bed-rest she couldn't stand the idea of lying around.

Her body had other ideas, however. After falling asleep in her dinner for the third time she admitted defeat and went back to bed. She'd never wanted a huge family... how had it come to this?!
Gameplay notes: THEY ARE SO DYSFUNCTIONAL seriously. But ACR does what it will, and at least Verity had a want for a grandchild so the poor thing isn't completely unwelcome.
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