Adrian and Noriko King's eldest child Nathaniel has left for university, but they don't have time to miss him - Noriko has her little girls, Miranda and Liliana, to look after, and Adrian has to work hard to pay for them all... children are expensive!

Noriko did miss Nathaniel, but he called home frequently and her mind was wrapped up in looking after her new little girls. Liliana was getting bigger day by day, and Miranda had just started school.

Soon Liliana had reached that age where she was no longer just a cuddly little baby and could toddle around and cause trouble. And that she did - she was extremely excitable and demanded hugs and general companionship all the time. Miranda was not convinced. She was an introverted soul; a little sister who would get into all her things was not on her wish-list!

Still, somehow she couldn't resist her baby sister's cute little face. Despite Miranda's initial protests they grew very close and she even let Liliana play with her dollhouse!

Miranda had met Maya Darwin at school and despite her usual shyness she was keen to make a friend that wasn't her parents or her baby sister. Thankfully Maya was on much the same wavelength as her, although Miranda made a slight faux pas in going on about how great new additions to the family were. But how was she supposed to know what was going on with the Darwins?

Adrian had a blow to his self-esteem when he made a bad decision at work and was demoted. How was he supposed to pay into the girls' college funds now?!

In a blink of an eye, Liliana had started school too. She was very different from her big sister - they were both kind and playful, but Liliana was messier and MUCH more outgoing, preferring finger-painting and running around with her friends to those musty old books and silly animals...
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