Jace and Petal Bhalli are getting ready to go to University, leaving their mother Alima as the sole resident of the house.

"Hi, kids!" said Alima as she got home from work, a smile plastered on her face.
"Hi..." said Jace distractedly while Petal shot her mother a dirty look.
"I love you and everything, but we are TRYING to CONCENTRATE. I need perfect grades before I leave!"
Alima sighed. She would never understand her children's fixation with academia, especially knowledge-seeking Petal.

Soon the dreaded day came when the twins moved out and went to university. Jace was busy packing all their suitcases into the taxi while Alima said goodbye to her daughter.
"Be a good girl! Stay away from frat boys and don't go to too many parties!"
"Honestly, who do you think I am? It'd take a miracle to get me to go to ONE party... Mom! Stop crying!"
"I can't help it! My little babies are all grown-up..."

The house was lonely without the twins and that meant Alima called her fiancé Duncan over even more than usual. She still had a few doubts but now she was all alone they were much harder to pay any attention to - she was finally completely sure she loved him.

Still, he couldn't be there all the time... and Alima was growing increasingly tired of waking up alone.

"I know this is kind of a shock, but... will you move in with me?"
"Of course I will! Jeez, Ali, why would I propose to you if I didn't want to live with you?!"

And so it was that Duncan King finally moved out of his big brother's house and joined the love of his life.
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