Tom Darwin, Jace and Petal Bhalli, Nathaniel King and Solveig Tellerman are in their final two years of university. Will the relationships between them blossom, and will Tom stop painting and womanising long enough to graduate?

There was a certain routine in their dorm now. The others would study while Tom wooed unsuspecting freshmen and sophomores.
"I can't believe him!" Solveig complained to Nathaniel. "How does he expect to get anywhere in life if all he cares about is getting his leg over?" Nathaniel said nothing, instead contemplating how he was going to move things further with Petal Bhalli.

Tom had indeed fallen off the rails. Instead of going to classes he'd head over to the Student Union or the coffee bar, and as soon as he was done introducing himself to one girl another would make her presence known. He was getting a reputation on campus as a heartbreaker and a layabout but his over-inflated view of himself left him believing he was a casanova and natural genius at art who would get over this whole "academic probation" thing with ease.

Nathaniel didn't need to worry about winning over Petal Bhalli for very long; she made the first move.

And the next move, too! Petal was very forward, a real go-getter, and Nathaniel could see himself marrying her... except for the weirdness that was the fact she was now his step-cousin.

Jace and Solveig were moving forward too, with considerably less weirdness. Jace had known for a while that Solveig was the one for him, and when he proposed she accepted without a moment's pause.

Nathaniel wasn't the only one who'd noticed the messiness on the family tree - Petal was kind of freaked out by it too.
"It's not like you're blood-related," pointed out her future sister-in-law. "There's no laws against it! Plus you already know your mother and your step-dad like him. If you love him, go for it. I want to see you as happy as me and Jace!"

Tom ended up failing out entirely and the school wouldn't keep him on academic probation forever - he had to leave.
"See, if you'd just worked harder - " began Solveig. Tom rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, whatever. I'm going to make it big without a stupid degree, you'll see!"

Jace had told his mother about his engagement straight away, and soon Alima came to visit. She was heavily pregnant now, which weirded Jace out a bit, but he was glad to see that she got on well with Solveig.

Plus it was nice to be able to begin bonding with a new baby brother or sister!

Even though they'd met before and got on pretty well, Nathaniel was nervous about talking to Alima now he was dating her daughter - especially considering the fact that the big baby bump contained his future cousin. But Alima's friendly manner put him at ease and all the oddness finally dissipated.

So much so, in fact, that Nathaniel worked up the courage to propose. He'd liked Petal since they were teenagers, and now they were in love - a perfect story.

Petal accepted with a squeal of glee and a huge hug.

College days can't last forever, and soon the final exams had come and gone and it was time to leave.
"Congratulations on making Summa Cum Laude! A perfect 4.0 GPA!"
Solveig smiled. "You didn't do so bad yourself. Magma Cum Laude! Way to beat all the boys!"
"Yeah, we pretty much rule."

The term ended with sadness as well has happiness. The twins were going to be split up for the first time in their lives; Petal was moving in with Nathaniel and his family, and Jace was going home to Alima and Duncan and bringing Solveig with him.
"Promise you'll call! And come and visit!"
"Only if you promise you'll visit us!"
Note: All Tom wanted to do was mess around with girls and occasionally paint masterpieces - he didn't even roll up wants to influence people to do his work for him! I'm surprised he didn't get kicked out before Allyn, she was actually mildly more hardworking, but hey. As for our two new couples - my family tree's getting all twisted up already, lol.
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