The dysfunctional Darwin family are expecting a new child, right at the beginning of patriarch Harvey's venture into the world of art dealership. Thankfully eldest son Tom is off to university, but he's already been messed up enough as it is. How will the rest of the family cope?

With Adele mostly confined to bed or sitting around reading, and Harvey busy painting and making pottery, a lot of the every-day business of running a shop fell to Verity. Unfortunately she didn't seem to be a natural saleswoman and she kept getting her hand trapped in the till...

Tom couldn't wait to get out of this mad-house full of annoying relatives and left for college with very few goodbyes.

Adele was nearing the end of this arduous third pregnancy and couldn't wait for her due date. No more moping about the house in her PJs, cramming spaghetti into her face... it was bad enough she'd been forbidden from using her exercise machines!

Adele went into labour while tucking little Sam in for the night and was rushed to the maternity ward.

She returned with a little baby girl they named Maya. Adele was enthralled - a daughter! After two sons it would make a pleasant change.

Sam found that now Tom was out of the house and his female relatives were busy with the new baby he had a lot of time to himself that he could use any way he wanted. He discovered a love for nature and spent hours at a time running around the back yard catching bugs.

Maya soon became a toddler. She looked a lot like her mother but with her father's pale skin, a very pretty combination in everyone's minds. She was an easy child to look after, very sweet and friendly and rarely wanting to escape and cause trouble, although she was a little clingy.

Sam was delighted that his baby sister was finally old enough to play with, and spent hours at a time playing peek-a-boo with her. He couldn't wait until she was old enough to go to school! They could talk for hours!

Harvey had barely spent any time with his baby girl - his business always came first. And lately he'd been noticing that a lot of attractive young women stopped by, too... he had a wandering eye.
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