Allyn Bachman was expelled from university for poor grades after only two semesters and is now making a go of things for herself in the big wide world. Her unofficial boyfriend, Tom Darwin, is still at university and isn't known for his fidelity... how will she cope with being alone?

It turned out that the apartment Allyn had found was not all it had been advertised to be. The kitchen fittings and other furnishings were old and ugly, and the last occupant had left paint-stains all over the floor. Saying she was disappointed would be an understatement.

She brought it up with the landlord but he laughed in her face.
"Ooooh! You are so freaking lucky this is the only apartment in my price-range."

Of course, Allyn being Allyn she didn't spend her meager supply of money on actually improving the place but on new clothes, easels, art supplies and a mobile phone so that she would never miss a call from Tom.

They met up in a bar down-town to drink and sing karaoke together, but Allyn couldn't help noticing the looks he gave to a couple of college chicks who'd come along for the ride - she knew that look. It didn't fill her with confidence about her place in Tom's heart.

Eventually one of the co-ed tarts dragged him out onto the dancefloor and Allyn retreated to the relative safety of the bar, ready to drown her sorrows. A rich-looking guy next to her bought her a few drinks, probably thinking he'd get something out of her, but she merely said thanks then went on her way.

Tom dropped in unannounced the next day while Allyn was in the middle of painting an ode to her hangover.
"Sorry about last night, babe," he said, then kissed her. She didn't resist - she didn't want to.

Allyn knew she was being a fool, that she should be able to say no to him, but hey - she knew the score. They weren't exclusive. Two can play that game! She'd find her own fun while he was off at college banging other chicks.

She started by meeting her neighbours - there was a promising enough prospect and they went on one short date but it didn't lead anywhere in the end. She just didn't feel that "spark".

Then there was another guy who she went on a couple of dates with, but he was too clingy. He kept turning up while she was still hungover and wandering around in her nightdress!

And the guy who came home from work with her? Ugh. She couldn't believe he'd try to hit on her, she was way out of his league.

After all that she decided it was pointless to date around and worked on her art instead. Tom would be getting back from SSU soon enough and he'd already said he wanted to move in with her - as much as she wanted to be free and easy, she was stuck with him. She loved him.
Poor Allyn! Getting booted from college and then worries about fidelity. It just makes matters worse that she hasn't been able to find her own "side projects!"
ReplyDeleteI should note I've been reading, but I'm so bad about commenting lately--sorry about that! I can never seem to keep up with blogs anymore. :(
I do feel kind of sorry for sticking poor Allyn with a lout like Tom... but hey, that's what wants she rolled up. Don't worry about not commenting, I mostly lurk on sims blogs too!