The King family seem to be settling in to Serenity Hills very well, but it's early days. Will Adrian and Noriko manage to conceive their long-awaited second child? And will Duncan successfully woo Alima Bhalli and get the hell out of his big brother's house?
(sorry this update is so late - I've been busy lately. I'll try and keep up from now on!)
"So what's all this talk about you and Alima Bhalli?" Nathaniel asked his uncle. "Do you like her?"
"Loose lips sink ships, kid," laughed Duncan. "But between you and me, yeah, I do. Don't tell your dad though or he'll start pestering me about when I'm going to propose or something so he can get rid of me."
"No fear. Dad's crazy."
"You're a teenage boy, you've got to say that. But thanks."
It hadn't taken long for Noriko to conceive at all - apparently the fresh air of the suburbs worked wonders! She brushed up on all the latest ideas in parenting... she'd done it all before, of course, but that had been a long time ago.
Duncan may have been keeping his relationship with Alima quiet but it seemed to be working out really well. They'd rocked the nearby karaoke joint like pros - she shared his all-consuming love of music and they were both naturals! Or they were too smitten with each other to notice that they sounded more like cats in heat than pop-stars. Either way...
"Thanks for taking me out," said Alima, giving him a goodbye hug that was considerably less platonic than he'd feared. "It's great to finally be getting out of the house and having fun again!"
"It was my pleasure."
Nathaniel was doing well at school - of course, with his drive and academic dedication it would have been more of a surprise if he wasn't getting top grades. Of course, Noriko pressuring him probably had something to do with it... but getting her children (both already present and merely prospective) into college was extremely important to her. A life ambition, in fact.
It wasn't all hard work though. Nathaniel had befriended Jace Bhalli and met his sister Petal. They were his uncle's romantic interest's kids, which made things a little awkward, but they had similar goals and interests. Nathanial couldn't help notice that Petal was beautiful... intelligent, too. Wow.
Unfortunately his skills with girls didn't quite match up to his skills in the classroom or on the soccer pitch, and he managed to gross Petal out more than impress her.
Noriko's due-date was getting closer and closer, and she'd progressed from reading pregnancy books to obsessively joining parenting forums on the web. Adrian had jumped straight into the workplace, earning money so they could afford to build a little nursery, and even Duncan was chipping in with a job in dance, so she didn't mind that she was alone a lot of the time.
Of course, not all of Duncan's wages went to preparing the house for his newest niece or nephew. He'd put a bit aside so he could take Alima out on a really great date to the fanciest restaurant in the area. She seemed very impressed.
"Wow! No-one's treated me this well since... forever, actually."
"You deserve it. You're a beautiful lady and you should be treated like a queen."
"Don't go TOO overboard," laughed Alima.
The meal went perfectly. In fact, everything between them was going well, and even though they'd only been dating a few months Duncan was pretty sure he was in love. He'd been taking things slow, sticking to kissing her on the hand or polite romantic kisses, but he decided to move a little quicker. Hey, making out in a restaurant after a romantic date wasn't TOO weird, right?
Unfortunately for him, Alima did NOT agree.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?"
"I... I just thought..."
"Yeah, well don't. I'm not that sort of girl."
"I was just kissing you!"
"I don't care! Call me a cab."
Thankfully by the time the cab arrived Alima had calmed down. "I'm so sorry... I don't know what came over me. It's just been so long and things are moving so fast... I've got the kids to think about. I don't want to let a guy into my life unless he can make friends with them and they approve of him."
"I understand." Duncan may not have managed to get a family of his own yet, but underneath his pleasure-seeking it was becoming a bit of a priority. Plus, he'd been an uncle long enough to pick up SOME idea. They shared a goodnight kiss, and Alima got in her cab. Duncan waited a little longer before he headed home himself. When did this get so serious?
Gameplay note: Thanks to NoInstantLove, Duncan has the love flag with Alima but she's still only on crush level - in fact, he'd rolled up the want to propose to her WHEN I STARTED PLAYING THIS LOT. Wtf, Duncan, your family secondary is showing a bit strong...
(sorry this update is so late - I've been busy lately. I'll try and keep up from now on!)

"Loose lips sink ships, kid," laughed Duncan. "But between you and me, yeah, I do. Don't tell your dad though or he'll start pestering me about when I'm going to propose or something so he can get rid of me."
"No fear. Dad's crazy."
"You're a teenage boy, you've got to say that. But thanks."

"It was my pleasure."

"Wow! No-one's treated me this well since... forever, actually."
"You deserve it. You're a beautiful lady and you should be treated like a queen."
"Don't go TOO overboard," laughed Alima.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"
"I... I just thought..."
"Yeah, well don't. I'm not that sort of girl."
"I was just kissing you!"
"I don't care! Call me a cab."

"I understand." Duncan may not have managed to get a family of his own yet, but underneath his pleasure-seeking it was becoming a bit of a priority. Plus, he'd been an uncle long enough to pick up SOME idea. They shared a goodnight kiss, and Alima got in her cab. Duncan waited a little longer before he headed home himself. When did this get so serious?
Gameplay note: Thanks to NoInstantLove, Duncan has the love flag with Alima but she's still only on crush level - in fact, he'd rolled up the want to propose to her WHEN I STARTED PLAYING THIS LOT. Wtf, Duncan, your family secondary is showing a bit strong...
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