Harvey and Adele Darwin, never the most stable couple, were not expecting a new baby, but they ended up with little Sam anyway. Their teenage son Tom has inherited his father's gift for art but is steadily going off the rails, and they've brought in Harvey's widowed mother Verity to try and supply some stability in their new home in Serenity Hills.

Sam may have been a bit of a surprise for the Darwin family but that didn't make them love him any less. Adele may have been very driven but a cute little toddler always made an excellent addition to her mind.

Still, given both his parents' obsessions with work, most of the job of actually raising him fell to his grandmother Verity. She didn't mind one bit; in fact, she rather hoped there would be one or two more "happy accidents" for her to take care of in her old age.

Adele threw herself into working out and it wasn't long before she got her lithe, toned pre-pregnancy body back. She felt great.

Unlike some people Adele got on very well with her mother-in-law - possibly better than her own son did. Verity was always there to cheer Adele on through her many promotions ever since she and Harvey had started dating and this hadn't changed with the move to the 'burbs.

Harvey, on the other hand, had yet to get a new job. He was fortune orientated, sure, but he had no desire to be a corporate drone. He wanted to be his own boss, and his first step was making friends around the neighbourhood so his first business venture would be a success.

Unfortunately his talents didn't yet live up to his dreams. He'd gotten very rusty at painting over the years and he was determined to be good enough to make a living selling his art through his own shop, even if he had to ignore everyone else to do it.

Tom was settling in well. He'd already made friends at school - all very pretty and slightly easy girls.

It wasn't long before he got his very first kiss. His schoolwork was suffering considering his lothario ways and the fact that he, like his father, preferred painting to almost everything else, but he was sure he could coast through college.

It wasn't long before Sam was old enough to start school. Unlike his big brother, he was very hardworking and was dedicated to pleasing his mother and grandmother by getting good grades!
Sam and Tom are quite the opposites. I'll be curious to see if Tom can just coast through college, as he thinks he can.
ReplyDeleteAnd wtg Adele getting back in shape. That's great for her that she gets along so well her mil, not everyone is that lucky.
I hope Harvey's business venture pays off when he finally takes the leap.