The Bhalli twins, Jace and Petal, are getting on with their lives in a new neighbourhood. So is their mother Alima - to the point that they seem to have a prospective step-dad on the scene. How will Jace and Petal deal with this intrusion on their space?
(I've started naming the posts now... inspired by Mao, possibly the queen of Sims blogs. Plus I usually have SO MUCH TROUBLE naming anything and these are coming pretty easy, and it helps me keep what's going on in some kind of order!)

Alima and Duncan's last date may have been a little disasterous, but things were getting back to normal. She had explained that she was a bit skittish - she hadn't dated anyone since Petal and Jace's father, and he'd run a mile when she'd gotten pregnant. But Duncan wasn't like that and he was trying his best to put her at his ease. Still, Petal couldn't help being a little resentful at the drastic change in the status-quo.

Whatever they were doing, whatever time of day, it seemed like Duncan was always there. He wasn't, of course - he had a job and responsibilities of his own. But still...

Jace had no such qualms. He really looked up to Duncan - he'd never had a father-figure in his life, seeing as his grandfather had pretty much disowned Alima because of him and Petal, and it was a pleasant change. Petal left them to it.

Duncan wasn't the only member of the King family getting all up in Petal's personal space. Jace had made friends with Nathaniel and he often came over. In Petal's opinion he was just a dumb jock - the fact they were in various honours classes meant nothing! Nothing! And so what if he was cute...

But soon she got a little more accustomed to Duncan and Nathaniel being around and bothered to get to know them. Nathaniel may have been into sports, but he was actually kind of funny and could talk to her about physics and mechanics for hours if she let him. Plus she was beginning to realise how cute he was... sports were a wonder for the body, it seemed.

Jace wasn't quite as scientific but he tried to get in on their conversations when they all sat down for a post-school snack.
"You two are the science boffins - d'you reckon aliens exist? That would be so cool."
"Let's just humour him," said Nathaniel with a smile.

Alima had decided to take her relationship with Duncan to the next level. She knew he was in love with her and didn't know if she felt the same yet, but it couldn't hurt to try, right? Anyway, why shouldn't she have fun? She had needs, just like anyone else, and it HAD been a while.

The twins still made time for their car in between their new-found passion for socialising, and it was nearly finished! Jace couldn't wait to have a ride of his own...

Soon all of them were back to their usual selves as Petal came to terms with the fact her life was changing, but they'd always be a family.
"Congratulations on acing that test, Jace! I never knew you had it in you!"
"I'll take that as a compliment."
Alima watched her children joke-bicker in happiness. Maybe Duncan was good for them all. She'd see how things went, and whether he was ready to really commit...