Miranda's life has gotten more complicated since leaving her parents' home. A whole lot more complicated. Somehow, still, it's rewarding. Now baby Lee's arrived on the scene along with her little step-brother Milo she barely finds time to read up on the latest marine biology research to keep up with work, but Sam steps up to the plate every time. He's a natural father and completely dotes on his son.
Harvey was always less of a natural father, but his deep depression after Esther's death seems to be slowly lifting. He tucks Milo in every night after reading him a bedtime story, something Sam insists he never did for him or his brother Tom. He doesn't say it bitterly, he's more surprised than anything.
Miranda's happy with their complicated life as it is, for now, but Sam wants another addition. After all, he's always wanted to be a family man, and he doesn't just love Lee because he's a son but because he's his child. Sometimes Miranda considers listening to his requests to try for another baby, maybe a girl. Not that they can choose!
One day Sam catches Miranda's sister Liliana at the gallery, being harassed by their over-enthusiastic saleswoman. Sam always finds being around Liliana awkward after her many advances towards him when they were younger but it's lessening now. She looks really put-upon, every inch the struggling artist, and doesn't seem to be paying as much attention to her hair and general appearance as she used to. So he steps in.
"Hey, how's it going?" The saleswoman moves away, disappointed.
"Not as good as it could. Apparently a degree isn't a magical path to success in the art world." She says it with a laugh but he can tell he's bothered. He tries to ignore the woman swooning over his brother's longterm girlfriend and focus.
"We can help out if you like? Darwin Arts can buy your work and we'll pass on the profits."
"Are you sure? I can't imagine I'll be much of a draw."
"Don't put yourself down, you're a great artist."
Lee grows and grows, a truly happy child. Maybe having another kid around the place wouldn't be too much trouble... Miranda's been doing well at work, they wouldn't begrudge her a bit more maternity leave, and Darwin Arts brings in enough money for Sam to potentially quit his job and be a stay at home dad. Decisions...
Notes: yeahhh this update is really late. I've been writing non-Sims things lately, plus my game is extremely bugged (I'm playing it on a seven-year-old PC that my sister filled full of viruses until we fixed it!). There's a possibility I'll have to delete everything and start over on my boyfriend's PC. Which sucks.
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